Category Archives: Law and Literature

Episode October 2014 – Stop!

Blast from the Past – An episode from Lillian Boctor, Alyssa Clutterbuck, and Garrett Zehr!



Copyright Law – Look What They’ve Done To My Song, Ma

Check out the Saturday, February  9, 2013, edition of the CBC Program “Under the Influence”. Great analysis of Court cases regarding the use of songs in commercials and for commercial purposes. Very fun episode.

Read on here:

Listen here:

Episode 18 (Jan 2011) – Trials and Tribunals

Welcome et bienvenue to LegalEase: a monthly Montreal-based and produced radio show on 90.3 FM CKUT. We broadcast law broadly. Le collectif LegalEase est un group des etudiants et etudiantes en droit de la communaute montrealaise. This month’s program is entitled, “Trials and Tribunals.” Listen by clicking here.

Russell Tribunal on Palestine

First, contributor Rana Alrabi interviews Frank Bara, who leads the London-based Russell Tribunal on Palestine. The Tribunal is a citizen’s tribunal which aims to raise awareness and bring up issues of international law:

Second, we turn to McGill’s very own IPLAI – an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Arts. This segment is from Mark Antaki of McGill Faculty of Law who focuses on Socrates’ Apology as a “great trial”.


Tune in live every second Friday of every month from 11h00-12h00 on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal or listen on-line at For more programming, check us out at

Van Gogh Painting Law

Van Gogh, Prisoners Exercising (After Doré)

Schoolhouse Rock!

Are you ever sitting in class thinking: how can I make the perfect pop rendition of this lecture? Look no further than the Schoolhouse Rock!

Wikipedia describes Schoolhouse Rock! as a “series of animated musical educational short films” which aired during Saturday morning cartoons. Question: is this a good way to teach youth about law? Below, the indie-rock band Pavement does a rendition of the series’ historical sketch of the origins of the American Republic, No More Kings. What does it all mean? I’m holding out for the Canadian versions.


LegalEase McGill – CKUT 90.3 Montreal – Womyn’s Voices and Freedoms

Welcome to Legal Ease – a monthly Montreal-based, produced and broadcast radio show concerning “The Law”. The collective is composed of law students from McGill University.

In our first half, we discuss Buffy Sainte-Marie and her legacy. The CIA black-listed 1960s Cree singer has been a strong voice on women’s equality, native issues, and peace for half a century. Her recent concert as part of POP Montreal offered an opportunity to reflect on her legacy and play a few songs.

In our second half, LegalEase looks at the recent controversy at McGill. After organizing an event entitled “Echoes of the Holocaust” comparing abortion to genocide, Choose Life McGill, a SSMU club, was subject to criticisms and protests by other McGill students. The university administration organized a follow-up townhall on controversial events at McGill. LegalEase contrasts reproductive rights and freedom of speech, while considering some relevant legal issues.

LEGALEASE on CKUT- Summer shows archived for your aural enjoyment

McGill Law’s Radio show LEGALEASE on CKUT 90.3 FM is available online now! Unlimited quantity. Here is a look at some of the trouble we’ve been stirring up this summer. We are a collective of law students at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

1. EPISODE 1: Wrath (July 10, 2009) –

This week we first look at the situation in Iran post the 2009 elections and popular protests. In the second portion we read law into J. Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath.

2. EPISODE 2: Judges and Improv (July 31, 2009) –

Here we consider the following question: is the Judge an improvisatory virtuoso?

In our first half, LEGALEASE takes a look at the recent conference ‘Lex Non Scripta, Ars Non Scripta: Law, Justice and Improvisation’ which took place at the Sala Rossa on June 19th and 20th, 2009, featuring an address by Jonathan Neufeld, an assitant professor of philosophy at Vanderbilt University.

In the second half of the program we speak with Venezuelan Supreme Court Justice Fernando Vegas Torrealba on being a revolutionary lawyer, the 1999 Constitution, and other fun topics (i.e. socialism).