Monthly Archives: November 2010

Episode 14: Une vie solidaire – Natacha Binsse-Masse et le G20

Welcome et bienvenue to LegalEase: a monthly Montreal-based and produced radio show on 90.3 FM CKUT, broadcasting the law cast broadly. Le collectif LegalEase est un group des étudiants en droit de la communauté montréalaise. This episode is entitled, Une vie solidaire – Natacha Binsse-Masse et le G20 . You can access the show by clicking here. Vous pouvez accédez l’émission par la suite de cet lien.

Natacha Binsse-Masse

Nous commençons cette émission avec un retrospective de Natacha Binsse-Masse, un avocat activiste dans la communauté montréalaise. Lainie Basman a preparé une documentaire de sa vie solidaire.

Next, we discuss the mass arrests at Toronto’s G20 with Jeff Carolin. Carolin was a volunteer with the Movement Defence Committee, an autonomous working group of the Law Union of Ontario made up of legal workers, law students, activists and lawyers which provides legal support to progressive organizations and activists in Toronto. You can learn more about the MDC and their work, Specifically, if you were charged at the G20 protests, they will provide you with helpful information.

Other helpful links include: and

Tune in live every second Friday of every month at 11am on 90.3 FM CKUT in Montreal or listen on-line at