Episode 15: Assisted Suicide and the Law

Welcome et bienvenue to LegalEase: a monthly Montreal-based and produced radio show on 90.3 FM CKUT. We broadcast law broadly. Le collectif LegalEase est un group des etudiants et etudiantes en droit de la communaute montrealaise. This episode is entitled, Assisted Suicide and the Law. Listen ou enregistre la podcast ici.

Sue Rodriguez

Today we discuss the theme of suicide with two experts in light of Quebec’s Commission speciale pour la droit de mourir dans la dignite. Both of our two Quebec-based lawyers contributed factums to the commission.


Dans un premier temps, nous avons parle a Diane Demers de l’UQAM, qui a depose un memoire a la commission. Puis apres, Margaret Somerville, de la McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law, a nous donne ses remarques. Elle a egalement un livre sur la sujet, qui est intitule: Death Talk.

Tune in live every second Friday of every month from 11h00-12h00 on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal or listen on-line at http://www.ckut.ca. For more programming, check us out at https://legaleaseckut.wordpress.com

One response to “Episode 15: Assisted Suicide and the Law

  1. Patty and Allan Williams

    Can a Ontario Resident—-go to Quebec, and have legal suicide done for them? Or will they be prosecuted by the Canadian Law-as murder, and end up in prison? My husband is quite ill with three different types of disease and failing .–Could this procedure be done for him-and if so how does one go about getting it started? The legal matters scare me. We live in Peterborough Ontario, and my husband and I want to learn about this procedure.—–Thankyou

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