Tag Archives: division of powers

Episode 20 (Mar 2011) – Downtown Eastside, Vancouver

Welcome et bienvenue to LegalEase: a monthly Montreal-based and produced radio show on 90.3 FM CKUT. We broadcast law broadly. Le collectif LegalEase est un group des etudiants et etudiantes en droit de la communaute montrealaise. This month, LegalEase visits the self-proclaimed “Most Beautiful Place on Earth”- British Columbia! The program is entitled, “Downtown East Side, Vancouver” (Listen here).


First, LegalEase features a lecture by University of Victoria professor Hester Lessard, entitled “Jurisdictional Justice, Democracy and the Story of Insite”. She discusses the recent Insite safe injection site cases at the Supreme Court, specifically focusing on new directions for Canadian constitutional with respect to division of powers. Listen to this novel and unique argument for increased local autonomy.

Second, Jesse Gutman speaks with Fathima Cader about the “the Justice League,” a new networking group for progressive law students and young lawyers.

Tune in live every second Friday of every month from 11h00-12h00 on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal or listen on-line at http://www.ckut.ca. For more programming, check us out at https://legaleaseckut.wordpress.com